Criminal Justice / Corrections / Law Enforcement

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Curriculum/Degree Requirements

This associate of applied science program prepares students for employment in criminal justice positions requiring a bachelor of science degree, including but not limited to criminal justice, social work, and pre-law, by setting a foundation for transfer with both General Education and criminal justice courses. Please contact the instructor of criminal justice at 734.384.4297 or This degree can be completed in an online format.

This program was designed to transfer to institutions offering four-year degrees. There is a significant financial advantage in following this path. Monroe County Community College and several universities have articulation agreements that will maximize transferability.


Corrections Curriculum/Degree Requirements

This associate of applied science program prepares students for employment in different areas of corrections, including jails and prisons as well as parole and probation. Please contact the instructor of criminal justice at 734.384.4297 or This degree can be completed in an online format.

Corrections Certificate Requirements

We recognize that many employers place value on a certificate, which authenticates specialized education preparation. The criminal justice certificate program in corrections allows students who may not want to complete a full degree to take courses in preparation for a career field and then later apply them to a degree. The corrections certificate program concentrates upon basic core courses with a focus on corrections in either the jail or prison setting. All courses taken in the certificate program are applicable toward the associate of applied science degree in criminal justice.

Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement Curriculum/Degree Requirements

This associate of applied science program prepares students for employment in law enforcement positions that require an associate degree and Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES) certification ( or transfer to baccalaureate programs in criminal justice or similar programs.

Students planning to transfer should consult both their Monroe County Community College advisor and the transfer school for assistance in selecting appropriate electives. Please contact the instructor of criminal justice at 734.384.4297 or This degree can be completed in an online format.

Security Certificate Requirements

We recognize that many employers place value on a certificate, which authenticates specialized education preparation. The criminal justice certificate program in security allows students to take courses in preparation for a career field who may not want the complete degree but can later apply them to the degree. The security certificate program concentrates upon basic core courses with objectives, with a focus on private security. All courses taken in the certificate program are applicable towards the associate of applied science degree in criminal justice.


The Mission of the Criminal Justice program is to expose students to the many careers in Criminal Justice using directed pathways, field experience, and a variety of pertinent courses to establish a foundation of communication, critical thinking, legal knowledge and an ethical structure to prepare them for the career of their choice in any of the areas of Criminal Justice.

Criminal Justice / Corrections / Law Enforcement Contact Information

Daniel Wood

Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice
Phone Icon (734) 384-4297
Building / Office IconC-244